National Library Singapore Celebrates Customer Appreciation Day
Deputy Director Low Kwee Fah tells us about the celebrations at this year’s Customer Appreciation Day.
It has been four years since the National Library Singapore (NLS) reopened in July 2005 at Victoria Street. Today, the NLS receives about 5,000 visitors daily and the use of NLS services has grown from strength to strength. This would not have been possible without the strong and continuous support from our loyal customers.
Indeed, customers were placed under the limelight on 4 June this year. An open invitation of complimentary coffee/tea during the library opening hours on that day was advertised on our home page. It was a simple gesture to mark the inaugural Customer Appreciation Day. Word got around and soon visitors made a beeline at a fast and furious pace to Level 10 of the National Library Building for free coffee/tea!
An appreciation gift pack comprising NLS mementos was also given free to every visitor, to the delight of our customers. One of them, Josephine, said: “The souvenir pen which you put in the pack as a gift… is rather unique in design and contemporary. The Customer Appreciation Day was a nice surprise. It’s a great idea for people like me with little spending power and I am delighted with your gift of a shopping bag. Thank you for the numerous cups of tea I had. It’s wonderful that you think about your customers.”
Well, the feeling is mutual and we want to show our appreciation to our customers who have been supporting the National Library Singapore over the years! Thank you!

Deputy Director
Marketing & Group Services
National Library